Monday, June 15, 2009

Go Blog Yourself Step 2: Know What They Want To See

by Stoney deGeyter
In Step 1 of the Go Blog Yourself series I discussed the need to know more about your audience. If you want to get someone’s attention you have to know more about those that will be looking. It does you no good to bring dinner to a dessert social!
Once you know who’s eye’s [...]


[Source: SEO TRICKS GUIDE - Posted by FreeAutoBlogger]

Top 500 Search Engine Keywords Of The Week - June 10, 2009

by Wordtracker
Although this list is filtered, adult terms might
still appear. Should you see any below, then we
apologize in advance.
1. Headers defined
Nos.����� : Position according to popularity
Count���� : Number of sightings of keyword in database.
Keyword�� : The keyword itself
2. The top 300 surge report
These are the top 300 queries from the last 48 hours, which
represents the [...]


[Source: SEO TRICKS GUIDE - Posted by FreeAutoBlogger]